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20 Percent Project #2

Hello, this is the second week of the 20% project. My project is still crocheting and believe I will keep it. I did have the same struggles as last time which are recording. I believe that when I record it takes my time away and makes it harder for me to crochet. I made a little progress because of needing to record but most of it was easy. It was also a struggle because I am watching a tutorial on YouTube on how to crochet the bear. Next week I hope that my progress is way better than this weeks and I also need to get more work done because I need to be done with it so I don’t get caught behind.

My Favorite Room

My favorite room in my house is my living room. I like my living room because it’s where I spend most of my time in and enjoy most of my time there. One reason it’s my favorite room is because when it hot outside I can open the door and let the fresh air come in or if it’s cold I can get a blanket and lay on the couch. The living room has a lot of natural light which I like because I wont have to be turning on and off lights and the room just looks better. I don’t know the measurements of the room but it’s big enough to fit a sectional couch and in front of the couch there is two closets which have some jackets, hats, school supplies, on the corners of the room and in between the closets there is a tv. I also enjoy this room because no one else really likes spending their time in there so it’s sometimes just me and I like that because I won’t have someone bugging me. My living room is also where my family and I love to spend time together and it’s also where we show each other our stuff we bought at the store. Those are all my reasons, I’m sure I have more but that’s all I can think of right now.

20 Percent Project #1

Hello my name is Naideline and I started working on my 20 percent project. My project is crocheting and I am crocheting a bear and If I have extra weeks/time left I will crochet clothes and accessories for the bear. Today I finished my planner about my project and after I was done with that I searched up a video on how to crochet a bear. I found a fifty-eight minute long video and I will be following the instructions in that video. I brought yarn from my house and two crocheting hooks, one that is F/4.00MM and the other one is G/4.50MM which is the one that I am using to crochet the bear. I started recording my progress as a started which is a little difficult because sometimes I am too focused that I don’t realized my crocheting is not in the frame and I have to restart the video or it gets blurry and I have to focus the screen. Next week I will be continuing on crocheting the bear and keep recording my progress.

Dream Job

If I could have any job in the entire world, it would be a traveler. I would want to be a traveler because I will get paid to go around the world and I will get to go to places I have never been before and learn new things about each country, state, or wherever I go. Another reason I would like to be a traveler is because I like going places, experiencing new things, and eating all different kinds of foods. I like trying foods before saying I don’t like it because who knows maybe I’ll end up loving that food or drink. I know some people who judge food before even trying it and I was also raised to not judge food without trying it. My third reason is because that job will be something I enjoy doing because I don’t really like staying inside, I like going places and I will be getting paid for traveling. If I travel alone it will be fun but it will be even more fun if I become besties with the people I work with and then I won’t be as lonely but sometimes it’s nice to be away from people and just have some peace and quiet. After all, being a traveler will be my dream job and really home to get it when I’m older.


The possibilities are endless when you are invisible for twenty-four hours! One thing I would do is rob a bank because I wouldn’t get caught and go to jail plus I would become rich and be able to buy anything I want even if it’s expensive. The second thing I would do is scare people to make them think its a ghost moving the chair but its actually gonna be me moving it, and I will turn on and off the lights and scratch walls. Another thing I would do is go to Disney Land because wouldn’t have to pay for my ticket, pay for food, and get on rides without having to wait in line. Last thing I would do is drive a car so it looks like there is no one driving it and it’s driving by its self and people will get scared, but I won’t drive a tesla because those cars can already drive by themselves and it will ruin the fun. That’s all I would do if I were able to be invisible for twenty-four hours.


Summer is one of my favorite seasons out of all four. I like summer because we don’t have school and we get to enjoy ourselves and don’t have to worry about anything. In summer my family and my dad’s side of the family all go to this lake in Laughlin, NV and stay there for 3 or 4 days. The only reason I don’t like going to the lake is that it’s so hot it reaches up to 107° degrees and it’s so humid and you feel all sticky and gross but at least it’s a lake and you can just go in the water when you are getting too hot. I like summer because you can also go swim in the pool if you want to feel fresh or eat popsicles outside. Another reason I like summer is because the outfits for summer are so cute like you won’t have to wear a sweater over the new shirt you got because it’s cold outside, you get to put your hair up in a claw clip without your ears feeling cold, you can wear shorts without freezing, sandals without looking weird, sunglasses, hats, etc. I also like summer because you get to spend more time with your family and friends like go to the mall, have sleep overs, go to parties, have a water balloon fights, water park trips, go to the beach and just in general hang out. My favorite thing to do in the summer is have water balloon and water gun fights with my 2 brothers because I get to spend time with them before I or them grow to old and say stuff like, “I’m too old for that”, or “ I’m going out with friends”, like my sister she is 15 and if I ask her to come hang out with us she will say, “its too hot outside”, or “Im to tired” but most of the time I think she feels bad when she says no because she ends up joining us after all. Well that is what I have to say about summer! (Remember to wear your sunscreen)

The One Word

Instead of making a New Year’s resolution, I am going to focus on one word. That word is kind. I chose this word because I need to improve being kind to people and myself. By actually doing what the words says will improve my stress, boredom, and time. It will help my stress because when I can’t do something I stress out and still end up not doing what I am supposed to do. It will improve my boredom because when I am bugging my siblings to help me do something they get annoyed at me and I still end up doing what I was supposed to do and get so bored after because my siblings got mad at me. The word kind will also improve my time because when me and my sister and fighting about things like who’s gonna take out the trash or clean the bathroom we fight back a forth and just waste time when instead of fighting we would already been done with what we were supposed to do. I’ve been improving being kind so I could avoid all those things and it’s going pretty well.

My Big Sister

Someone I really admire is my big sister. My big sister is the first born so that would make her the oldest and she is 25 years old which makes her 12 years older than me. I admire her because she is a perfect “A” student in school and she’s goes to school at Cal State Fullerton and majoring in psychology and criminal justice. She has a hard working boyfriend which just finished school not too long ago. My sister has managed to always get school and work done so she can hang out with us, her friends, and boyfriend. My sister is a good person and she is always looking out for others especially us(my other siblings and me). My sister always helps me with homework when I need help, giving me rides to school and sometimes from school, makes me food sometimes, and she gives me advice about school and my outfits and other things, so she’s like a second mom to me. Those are all the reasons I admire my biggest sister.

Principal for the Day

I would love to be principal for the day! The first thing I would do is to tell every teacher to not give any students homework and to only play games and be with their fiends. For lunch we will have Raising Cane’s and have a big tv projector so we can’t watch a movie. Second everyone will get 5 PBIS points. The third thing I would choose is to go on a mini field trip to the ice cream store and buy everyone ice cream. Fourth thing I will do if make the day a minimum day and we will come out at 12. The fifth and last thing I would do is give everyone a metal for being at school but if u were absent just because you didn’t wanna come u wont get one when you come back but if you were absent because you were sick or something bad happened you will tell the office and I will give you the metal. That is all I would do if I was principal for the day.

The Unbelievable Flip

I took this picture at the park where many wild animals live. I was sitting down with my friends at the park when we saw a kangaroo and decided to take pictures of it so we did. Then we were all done taking pictures but I wanted to take one more and right as soon as I took the picture, the kangaroo did a backflip. I took the picture too soon so I couldn’t capture it. Me and my friends were all amaze and one of my friends started to record if the kangaroo was gonna do a backflip again but instead it just ran away. That day was the day I saw a kangaroo do a backflip.