
Summer is one of my favorite seasons out of all four. I like summer because we don’t have school and we get to enjoy ourselves and don’t have to worry about anything. In summer my family and my dad’s side of the family all go to this lake in Laughlin, NV and stay there for 3 or 4 days. The only reason I don’t like going to the lake is that it’s so hot it reaches up to 107° degrees and it’s so humid and you feel all sticky and gross but at least it’s a lake and you can just go in the water when you are getting too hot. I like summer because you can also go swim in the pool if you want to feel fresh or eat popsicles outside. Another reason I like summer is because the outfits for summer are so cute like you won’t have to wear a sweater over the new shirt you got because it’s cold outside, you get to put your hair up in a claw clip without your ears feeling cold, you can wear shorts without freezing, sandals without looking weird, sunglasses, hats, etc. I also like summer because you get to spend more time with your family and friends like go to the mall, have sleep overs, go to parties, have a water balloon fights, water park trips, go to the beach and just in general hang out. My favorite thing to do in the summer is have water balloon and water gun fights with my 2 brothers because I get to spend time with them before I or them grow to old and say stuff like, “I’m too old for that”, or “ I’m going out with friends”, like my sister she is 15 and if I ask her to come hang out with us she will say, “its too hot outside”, or “Im to tired” but most of the time I think she feels bad when she says no because she ends up joining us after all. Well that is what I have to say about summer! (Remember to wear your sunscreen)

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