Monthly Archives: September 2023

Paris, France

I would travel to Paris because I had always dreamed to go to Paris since I was little. I would love to go to Paris because I want to the the beautiful Eiffel Tower in the day time and at night too because the tower turns on and in the videos I’ve seen, the tower looks so pretty. Another reason why I want to go is for the pastries and food, like croissants, macarons and many other kinda of foods. When I go to Paris I will go to also see what’s is like living there because in the future I would like to live there but not just in apartments or a house but in a mansion. That’s why I’m going to do good in school, get into a good collage, get a good paying job, and when I feel like I’m ready I will go live in Paris. So basically I want to be rich in Paris and maybe just maybe become an actor in Paris. Well that’s all for my blog! Have a great day!!

All About Me

Hi, my name is Naideline. Welcome to my blog. Allow me to introduce myself. I am a girl in middle school. I enjoy going to school but don’t enjoy how I get homework. Some hobbies I enjoy doing are, drawing, playing Roblox, and painting. I also own two ducks and every day when I come home from school I feed them and it gets so messy every time I go and feed them, so if you are thinking to get a duck or ducks you need to know that they are really messy. I also own a dog and he is not as messy as my ducks. When Im feeding my ducks I also feed my dog. My dog is a medium size dog and he is afraid of water. My favorite movie is Coraline because I love how the characters are puppets and they took two and a half years to film the movie. I also like the movie because the main character has really good style that I like, and the settings though out the movie are very pretty. I was even Coraline last Halloween. That is all about me, hope you have a good day!