Monthly Archives: April 2024

20 Percent Project #2

Hello, this is the second week of the 20% project. My project is still crocheting and believe I will keep it. I did have the same struggles as last time which are recording. I believe that when I record it takes my time away and makes it harder for me to crochet. I made a little progress because of needing to record but most of it was easy. It was also a struggle because I am watching a tutorial on YouTube on how to crochet the bear. Next week I hope that my progress is way better than this weeks and I also need to get more work done because I need to be done with it so I don’t get caught behind.

My Favorite Room

My favorite room in my house is my living room. I like my living room because it’s where I spend most of my time in and enjoy most of my time there. One reason it’s my favorite room is because when it hot outside I can open the door and let the fresh air come in or if it’s cold I can get a blanket and lay on the couch. The living room has a lot of natural light which I like because I wont have to be turning on and off lights and the room just looks better. I don’t know the measurements of the room but it’s big enough to fit a sectional couch and in front of the couch there is two closets which have some jackets, hats, school supplies, on the corners of the room and in between the closets there is a tv. I also enjoy this room because no one else really likes spending their time in there so it’s sometimes just me and I like that because I won’t have someone bugging me. My living room is also where my family and I love to spend time together and it’s also where we show each other our stuff we bought at the store. Those are all my reasons, I’m sure I have more but that’s all I can think of right now.

20 Percent Project #1

Hello my name is Naideline and I started working on my 20 percent project. My project is crocheting and I am crocheting a bear and If I have extra weeks/time left I will crochet clothes and accessories for the bear. Today I finished my planner about my project and after I was done with that I searched up a video on how to crochet a bear. I found a fifty-eight minute long video and I will be following the instructions in that video. I brought yarn from my house and two crocheting hooks, one that is F/4.00MM and the other one is G/4.50MM which is the one that I am using to crochet the bear. I started recording my progress as a started which is a little difficult because sometimes I am too focused that I don’t realized my crocheting is not in the frame and I have to restart the video or it gets blurry and I have to focus the screen. Next week I will be continuing on crocheting the bear and keep recording my progress.